A Good Glimpse of God:

A good glimpse of God will change all of us

and will produce a genuine humility in our

lives. When Moses saw the Lord as he really

was, it caused Moses to fall before Him and

 honor the Him.  When Moses saw the lord in

His glory, he responded by humbling himself.

 He responded by simply adoring the Lord!

The same can be true in our lives!  Our faces

may not glow like Moses when he was with the

Lord, but our walk, our talk, our lives will all

bear witness to the fact that we are walking

with the Lord in His power and presence.

God does reveal Himself more to those who

are walking in closeness to Him. 

He is Worthy, He is Worthy, He is Worthy!

Today’s Sermon: 

           And They Ask

     “Lord Teach Us To pray”

         Matthew 6:5-15 

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