About Us

About Pastor Tommie Rhamy:

Pastor Tommy has been the church pastor since February 9, 2009 and has spent 45 years in ministry all together. Prior to his time in ministry Pastor Tommy spent 38 years in the Army where he retired honorably. Pastor Tommy is devoted to his friendly congregation of Lighthouse Worship and hopes to provide a great Interdenominational experience for all.

Recent Posts:


“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free”. —-Galatians 5:1 In 1776 a brand-new Republic was born when our Nation adopted that now-famous document known as the Declaration of Independence. May we never forget what July 4th really means.  Over 2000 years ago the Lord Jesus cried out on the…

  Do This In Remembrance Of Me

MATTHEW 26:26-29                                            While they were eating Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to His disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is My Body.” Then He took the cup gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is My Blood of the covenant, which…


This day is for churches across the Country to recognize the Ministry of fathers to their families and to their church. The man is the greatest evangelist, mentor, and discipleship tool in the home and the church. If men should hear anything from their pastor and congregation, it should be that they hear how much…

  Why do we have reason to hope?

We are part of a family that has a loving Heavenly Father and a Son who has opened the door to hope. Let’s examine a few of the reasons we have for hope in this life and beyond. We have been given spiritual life and we are freed from satan’s death-grip. (Eph. 2:1-7) We have…

                  Do You Remember!

Jesus Christ became your Savior? Jesus saved you? connected with God, the church, the Bible, worship, prayer, witnessing thrilled you beyond words? Memory is a good thing if you remember the right things. You see David used his memories of how God helped him face overwhelming odds when he faced some of the most difficult…


  ALL GAVE SOME – SOME GAVE ALL Memorial Day, now observed on the last Monday of May, is the day of the year set aside for Americans to commemorate the Men and Women of the United States who died while in the military service.  We must also remember what the Tomb of the Unknown…

A Step Of Heartfelt Obedience

The Bible is filled with “signs” urging us to obey the Lord and follow Him wholeheartedly.  Just before the Lord’s people entered the promised Land, He said to them: “I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, Therefore chose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may…


A Mother lives her life for her family, her friends, and her church.  She neither asks for nor wants anything in return.  When we were ill she went on a mission to get us well again.  Every cut or bump always got a kiss so we knew everything was going to be okay.  You were…

                    YOU ARE MY HOPE

There is an ancient road from Jerusalem to Jericho that was a narrow, treacherous path along a deep gorge in the Judean Wilderness.  It’s known as the valley of the shadow, for this was probably the location that inspired David’s 23rd Psalm.  It’s bleak and perilously steep.  It’s a good place for thieves, but not…


In 2 Timothy 4:2, Paul charged Timothy to point people to the Savior. “Preach the Word”, this charge from Paul is not addressed only to preachers, however.  The word preach means “to make it known.”  God’s people can do this over a cup of coffee or in school with friends.  We can make known the…

  Something Happens When God's People Pray

Prayer is a wonderful privilege. God has opened the door to His throne room and invited us, His children, to enter His presence with our petitions.  He has promised to hear us when we call and to answer our prayers when we pray. Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell…

              POWER TO PERSEVERE

The challenges and crises of life can tax us to the very end of our strength, and in such times it is easy to want to give up.  In James chapter 5, James offers followers of Christ (us, me and you) another perspective.  He says that while life is a battle, it is also a…

Six Words From Solomon

Based on scripture, I tried to imagine how King Solomon might have summed up his life at the end. God had given him great wisdom. When Solomon begin his reign as a young king he ruled with a pure heart and a great love for God. But in his later years, he began to change…


         ABOUT EASTER          AND THE CROSS What do you think about when you see a cross? When I look upon a cross, it reminds me of the price Jesus had to pay for my sins.  Such love He gave that day over two thousand years ago for us. And now the three crosses on…

 Leader of Many – Abandoned by all

In less than a week, Jesus went from being the leader of many to being abandoned by all.   Between Palm Sunday and Good Friday, the Good Shepherd became the Passover Lamb. But I sometimes feel that the familiar incidents in the life of Jesus between Palm Sunday and Easter, which is a very Holy Week,…